The regional informational meeting for the territory of Tundzha Municipality was held on 25 November 2022 in Yambol, in the municipality building. The meeting was attended by 43 participants, including teachers, principals and students from schools on the territory of the municipality, representatives of local institutions, experts from the non-governmental sector and business, as well as regional media.
The opening of the event highlighted the importance of working together to achieve a deeper understanding of the ways in which climate change affects us. Educational institutions have a key role to play in shaping young people’s civic awareness, including on climate issues.
Experts from the Changing with Climate project shared the educational programs they have created to address the challenges of climate change. The information and education portal, part of the project activities, was also presented.
Opportunities for organizing project-based training on climate-related topics were discussed.
In the second part of the meeting, participants were divided into small working groups, each of which proposed topics for school projects and campaigns.
The topics proposed at the regional information meeting in Yambol were:
- Eco-tourism.
- Separate waste collection and recycling.
- Valuing and not throwing away food.
During the regional meeting, teachers were invited to participate in the updating the information portal with educational materials related to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience.