The regional informational meeting on the territory of the town of Svishtov, part of the project “Changing with Climate”, took place on December 2 2022 in the assembly hall of “Tsvetan Radoslavov” Secondary School. The meeting was attended by 47 participants, including teachers, students and principals from schools in Svishtov, as well as representatives of the Economic Academy “D. Radovanov”. The participants included representatives of the Svishtov School of Economics and the Svishtov State Forestry, experts from NGOs and regional media.
In the first part of the meeting, the participants were introduced to the activities of the project “Changing with Climate”, as well as to the working version of the project’s information and education portal. During the regional meeting, teachers were encouraged to get involved in further updating the portal with educational materials related to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. Opportunities to organize project-based learning on climate-related topics were also presented.
In the second part, attendees were divided into working groups, each of which had to propose topics, visions and ideas related to school projects and campaigns.
The topics suggested for local campaigns and school student projects were as follows:
- Cycling to the future.
- Water – a source of life.
- Plant and grow a forest.
- Valuing and not throwing away food.